Here are the forum rules:
1. Leet speek
Do not speak using 1337 (leet) speak, or using text or chat room language! We would like you to use proper English!
2. Swearing
We have a zero tolerance approach to swearing. This will result to an instant to an instant ban. No more to be said on the matter.
3. Flaming
Flaming (ranting) is not permitted. The "rants" forums is there for you to let off steam about a subject that has annoyed you, but by no means does this mean that you have the right to flame, Don't get yourself into it. Report it to an administrator. People involved will receive bans with a HIGH and the banned rank for 10 days.
Spam is anything kind of pointless post or PM, and/or advertising outside of a signature. Spam should be reported to an administrator who will take care of it. Spam can automatically get you banned, so do not do it! NOTICE: Saying "That is spam!" is spamming. IGNORE IT. I will come and delete it. Same with double posting- if it looks intentional action will be made, and that applies to off topic posts also. If two posts are exactly the same, it was most likely accidental, ignore it.
What is spam?
Examples of spam:
Go to my awesome site http://url.url
I like pie!
You will get a MEDIUM for this and the banned rank will be given for 5 days.
5. What happens if the rules are breached?
There are 4 levels of severity in terms of breaking the rules: LOWMEDIUMHIGH((BANNED)) [color:f57a=black:f57a]You will gain a special rank depending on what has been done (ranks will be explained later in this post). This is not however a permanent change. You can rectify the situation by being a good, helpful penguin. If we realize that you have redeemed yourself, we will remove this imposition.
6. Titling your threads.
Threads should be titled relative to the content. Titles should also be descriptive and other penguins should understand the thread before going into it. Here are some examples:
Bad thread title: HELP!!!
Good example: I can't find the new pin- where is it?
Bad thread title: LOL
Good thread title: Look at this funny pic!
Bad thread title: WHAT!!!
Good thread title: What happened to the scoreboards?
Bad thread title: catalog
Good thread title: The new catalog is out!
Bad thread title: Hi!
Good thread title: Hi my name is (insert name here)!
You will receive a MEDIUM for this and get the banned rank for 5 days
6. Don't understand why your thread was locked?
Was the title good according to section 6?
Was it spam?
Was it a duplicate of another thread?
Did you use txt tlk?
Did you use proper grammar?
Was it understandable to others?
7.Don't know why you got a bad rank?
Did you spam?
Did you badly title your threads?
Did you constantly double post?
Did you flame someone?
Did you use txt tlk a lot?
Did you not use grammar?
8.Poll options
ok, let's get this straight, there should be no stupid poll options!
i like potatoes?- bad poll option it is not funny it is very stupid, people actually vote for these kind of things! Please don't put this in your poll options, it waists peoples votes, you will have a MEDIUM for this and the rank "banned" for 5 days
9. offtopic
Now this is a very serious rule, and it happens ALOT, always and i mean always stick to the subject! EXAMPLE: beta test party thread it is about a screen shot of the beta test party comments about wow cool, that's what it was like back then! etc.. but if you ask a question saying what is the beta test party hat do not post it in a thread about a screenshot of a party, PM someone about it! If you got something to say PM them! NEVER GO OFF TOPIC! You will receive a LOW for this and the rank "banned" for 3 days.
10. Harassment
No form of harassment of another person, inside or outside the forum, is allowed. This includes name calling.
Have fun! Thats what were here for!!
Name and rank changesTo request a name change, please private message an administrator with the name you wish to have. Administrators will only be accepting
one name change per month from each user. As for rank changes only Admins or moderators can have a rank change, they will still be the mod or admin just with a different rank, mods you need to PM an admin for a rank change.
ranks0 posts- New man in town
25 posts- Just startin
75 posts- Gettin it together
125 posts- Good poster
200 posts- Great poster
350 posts- Superman
500 posts- Your worst nightmare
750+ posts- Darth vader
(more to come if people get higher then this rank)
Special ranksAdmin- An website administrator
Banned- a banned account
Moderator- a forum moderator
Head moderator- the leader of the moderator team
Writer- Basically that's what it is a writer.
The administwaitor- ikil u all0's rank.
Moderators and administrators
This is a list of Moderators and Administrators. You will be added to the list if you become one!
Head administrator-Fbipenguin
Moderators-Ambie Girl
If you keep braking these rules, your ban will get higher and higher until you get perma banned.
NOTE: All rules apply to all admins and mods, even orangetag.
*The staff*